Wednesday, January 5, 2011

positively fourth street

Late yesterday afternoon, my good friend Jon sent me an email that went a little something like this: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this your old corner/building?" With a link to photos similar to the one above. That is my old apartment. And my old favorite bodega. Burned down.

See those big windows. My room was right above that. I had a lot of good times in that apartment & almost everyone I know has spent the night at some point. There were 6 civilian injuries. I have no idea if my old room mates were among them. I do know it spread to my old floor. 

There's nothing like your apartment burning down for a sign you were supposed to leave New York. 


  1. How sad. That is odd though, like it was meant for you not to be there!

  2. OMG! So sad and so CRAZY!

    Happy New Year Ry!


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