Thursday, January 27, 2011

little manhattan

I finally saw The Kids are All Right on the plane ride back to Scotland from the States in December. And I liked it. But I'll never be able to look at Josh Hutcherson and not think of my second favorite movie of all-time. The perfect Little Manhattan. It came out the year I moved to NYC and it's Upper West Side-iness coincided with my own little bout of hanging out near the 72nd & Broadway stop. 

If it doesn't make you want to fall in love, it will make you want to fall in love with New York. So if you've never seen it, run don't walk to get it. It's kind of like a Woody Allen movie about kids. I'm serious when I say, it's a perfect movie. And just the thought of it makes me homesick for New York. Even when they're having a Thundersnow and it's a mild 45-50 degrees F around here. It is a quintessential New York movie. 

It also has a quintessential NYC soundtrack featuring "At Last," a bouncing "Love" by Matt White (which actually sounds like a sunny spring day in Central Park, and of course, "In My Life." With the Dakota right there, it's hard not to think of that song. And good guarantee that someone is going to cry. 


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