Saturday, November 20, 2010

way back home- edinburgh to dunvegan

I'm a pretty big fan of the journey from Edinburgh to Skye, but not as much as Danny "Megaskill" MacAskill, who documented his bike trip back to his hometown of Dunvegan for Red Bull. I don't know much about pro bike riding (or sports in general, for that matter) but I know a thing or two about people who quit normal jobs to go do something a little bit wacky. 

This video is pretty breathtaking. I love the music from Loch Lomond and especially The Jezebels. Check it out and stay tuned for my thoughts on Dunvegan, my special off-season tour of the castle from The MacLeod himself, and how all of that relates to my new novel on Monday. 

In the meantime, watch this and consider making the journey yourself sometime. 


  1. After viewing all your wonderful pics, my hubbie has promised me a trip to Scotland

  2. oooh- yay! Keep me posted! xoxox


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