Wednesday, October 13, 2010

bamff part two- a writer's paradise

This time last week, I was at beautiful Bamff. It really is a writer's paradise. Everything about it conspires to get your imagination going. Every corner and painting and bookshelf hides a story from the centuries of Ramsays who've lived in the house and on the land. 

The house itself is just dreamy. The way rooms are tucked in the eaves. The way rooms are repurposed through the centuries. The way wings are added on pretty much each century, commemorating the continuation. Dreamy details in woodwork and wainscoting. 

Then, of course, there's the stories hidden in the objects there. The sad eyes of a painting. An ancient map. An old bowler hat. A narwhal horn. Love letters from kings. And perhaps most importantly, so so so many books. Wonderful Louise was stressing a bit that the books were taking over. But I think it's wonderful, and told her that in fact, one of my highest aspirations was to have a fantastic rambling house that's taken over by books. 

My favorite, though, are the people of Bamff. Riotously funny and thoughtful and learned. And long-sighted...forward-thinking? They just seem to embrace all the joy and pain and responsibility of being human. I just can't say enough nice things about them. And I'm thankful to my old childhood chum, Abby, for introducing us. Let's all keep talking about art forever!


  1. Oh my heart...I'm having palpitations

  2. I wish they could bottle the smell of an ancient house....Yumm

  3. Someone LIVES here?? This isn't just some amazing house MUSEUM? Wowza. You are a lucky lady.


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