Sunday, May 6, 2012

You Can't Handle the Tooth - Curious Johnson

So I know I've been promising you there was a toothfairy musical for... um, years. But we're finally ready to show you a song from our klutzy, matchmaking toothfairy musical. It's a bit ELF meets The Little Mermaid, which is partially why we got crazypants singer and former Broadway Ariel herself, Chelsea Morgan Stock to sing "Why Not Me" with adorable Kathy as The Kid. 

In the actual Curious Johnson: The Toothfairy Musical (that's her name, the Toothfairy) The Kid is a boy, and on an accidental encounter with said kid, whose mom has recently died, our matchmaking fairy falls in love with the kid's young, studly dad. Also, tries to get the kid one more day to spend with his mom. Problems ensue. 

But before that, the Smartass Kid and the Smartass Fairy engage in a Believe-Off when the kid says he doesn't believe in magical creatures. There are still some tweaks I want to make on this. But, eff it, let's go on a believing spree! Just one more thing: TWO ceiling-high key changes, thank you very much, Miss Stock. Okay. Chelsea, Kathy, hit it:

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