Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Scotland might be celebrating the birth of Robert Burns today, and even though a huge proportion of all my favorite people were born today, January 25 is always the day to celebrate my amazing dad. Perhaps I beat this drum too loudly and too often, but I'd rather over-make the point than under-make that nothing I do or have ever done would be possible without my dad's unfailing support. He gives wisdom and humor to everyone around him. He will make you smile whether you want to or not. 

One of him is like five parents. I'll even share him with you, dear readers. If you have a tough question, let me know and we'll get him involved. I mean, here is his response from when I wished him a happy birthday late last night when it was already his birthday in Scotland, but not Las Vegas:

The wisdom of a Buddha can only be understood by another Buddha! It takes one to know one! I love you, too! What are you doing up this late?

Many happy returns, Dad. You are the best!

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