Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Edinburgh via Etsy

Whenever I'm busy with work (big story due on Friday!) and various other less than pleasant responsibilities like moving, I try to focus on the upside. Which will eventually be the decoration of my room. Dena's been helping me! Along the way, I've found a lot of cute stuff that I'll have to pass on, but I thought I'd share with all of you! 

A lot of sweet people have written to me about their upcoming moves to Scotland/Edinburgh/etc. I love talking to you about making international moves. (Make sure you watch out for those visa issues!) And I remember when I was just waiting to move... it seemed so far away. I spent a lot of time looking at Scotland things that made the big move day seem sooner. Here are some of the Edinburgh-related goodies I found on Etsy. Because shopping is really good procrastination. 

Victoria Street, Edinburgh

PS- Speaking of shopping Edinburgh, I asked for an Edinburgh city guide on Design Sponge, and I got one! Quick, someone give me something else good to wish for, like World Peace!

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