Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the poets

Last night, I was hanging with old friends at a bar and we were looking at some of my Scottish money. Speaking of a Robert Burns note, I said, "See, they put poets on their money in Scotland." To which he replied, "Wow, you really have found your place." 

Here are some other famous Scottish poets, the 1960s freakbeat/psychadelic rock group, The Poets. Sad they never made a full album. But they're perfect for the fourth straight day of rain in Las Vegas (unheard of). I must have brought the weather from across the pond. 


  1. I see things this way: there are so few people of note in Scotland, that they have been reduced to putting poets on the money.

    Pun intended.


  2. you're such a doofus, Nicholas. I miss you! And I thought you'd like that I put the poets on here. They seemed up your alley. hope london is lovely. xo


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