Friday, December 17, 2010

Bye for Now, St Andrews

I'm really bad about endings. I hate when anything-- anything at all-- is over. From a book to a chapter of life to just a semester. I hang on to everything-- often even once I've outgrown it. 

When I handed in my stories this morning and spent the last little bit of time with my friends at North Point, I felt lonely already and ill at the idea of not seeing them for a month and half.  All of them will still be in the states for January. Meanwhile, I'll be here in St Andrews on my eight hour a day writing schedule to finish the edits on both VOTE! and Nicholas & Alexandra. Not the lure of Dad or Emily or even Tigerlily could shake away the feeling that I was actually leaving home by leaving Scotland. It's the same way I used to feel when I'd leave New York-- even for a weekend. 

I'm only in Las Vegas for 10 days and actually I can't wait to see my dad and hug Little Miss Tiger and Emily. But I'm already skipping forward to when I get back for New Year's in Edinburgh and Sara's visit and all of this phase of my life I'm just beginning to explore. 

Let's hope an evening in Edinburgh and the company of Iona will cheer my spirits. St Andrews...My People.... I'll miss you. 

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