But on a happier note, the event prompted what appears to be an revival in blogging from one of my favorite all time people, Jon, and his blog, Bad Lighting. He'd been on some kind of hiatus while climbing the corporate ladder, but after being in the audience to witness the historic fall, he's back and blogging with a vengeance. (He even did an interview on NY1 with my homey, Frank DiLella.)
Jon is perhaps the most elitist art person I know (myself being a pretty big populist-- I think I knew of maybe 2 items on his best-of 2010 music list). And while I essentially moved away from NYC to ditch the Bravo Channel run clever/meanness that's consumed America, I can't help but love Jon's brand of snark. This is largely because he's an excellent and witty writer. I mean, he may have insulted my adored Keats biopic, Bright Star
And while I'll probably NEVER tire of stuffy British dramas, I laughed out loud when I read this about The King's Speech.
Tis the season for self-serious historical biopics, and that's just what this one is. Deliberately paced (read: slow), handsomely photographed, and screaming it's importance at the top of it's lungs, one senses that the real climax the filmmakers are aiming for will occur on Oscar night. That might be a tad harsh, as the film does this brand of film as well as any other ... I'm just a bit sick of the stuffy British dramas.
Maybe it's just nice to check out a blog that isn't entirely stylish girls who post daily pictures of themselves in their outfits. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Read my Schu Schu and fall in love with snark all over again.
I don't think Mr. Tierney gets enough credit for being a dancer with Hubbard Street Dance in Chicago for seven years in the articles about the fall. I hate that they call him a stuntman/aerialist when he studied dance in Houston and then became a member of Hubbard Street and toured with Twyla Tharp's Movin Out. orrrr...that was another screw-up of Spider-Man, hiring a dancer for stunt work.