Sunday, June 6, 2010

the ring

I'm off to a big, glamorous wedding in New Jersey. I've been in a serious lot of weddings for someone who's not even 30 yet. My current emotional state about love at the time of the wedding determines how much I look forward to the open bar.

But do you all read Miss Jane? My lovely friend, Sara, runs this blog (I call her McC-- she's genuinely one of my favorite people. She comes to stay with me in NYC a lot & vice versa, when she lived here and I didn't. When we hang out, at some point in the wee hours of the morning, we have to impose a moratorium on talking [philosophizing, really- look for our hit new book, The Philosophy of Waiting & Seeing in stores next year] and just vow to go to sleep in the womb-room). Anyhow, she's amazing. I recommend reading her all the time (One of my favorite recent entries was about the Jumpology exhibit here in NYC).

I try not to think about weddings too much, but I really do love diamonds. (They're my birthstone!) Sara was kind enough to save me the trouble of finding my perfect ring for me.

In case anyone out there is planning (unbeknownst to me) on proposing to me (perhaps you are a rugged, hilarious, art-loving, land-owning Scotsman) I'd like to humbly request that you get me this ring, reminiscent of Queen Victoria's. I have very small hands, so I need something simple, but that has personality & packs a punch. This is just the right amount of classic and gorgeous and badass.

For more, check out this Refinery29 article

Mazel Tov, Daryl & Paul!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for the love. You are very sweet. This is seriously the first ring I've seen where I've been like - okay, maybe I get this whole engagement/wedding thing. :)


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