Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dreaming of Here

This photo is unbelievable to me. I'd credit the photographer, but I've had it for ages and I don't even know where I got it from. 

I was just talking to Aly a minute ago about doesn't really seem like I'm moving. I mean, I sort of am not acting like I'm moving. I keep starting new projects, friendships, etc. Things I don't want to leave. It almost feels like "going to Scotland" is just a new job I got. That I'll wake up every morning in New York and head off to my job... "living in Scotland" and return at the end of each day to New York again. And on weekends, when I'm off, I'll still just keep right on living my life in NYC. 

But that's not the case, and in fact, I live in the picture above. 

I'm really excited for the time I get to spend with people for the next 5 days. Aly/Ryann/Erin reunion slumber party tonight, brunches/lunches/date night tomorrow and just soaking in that slow part of NYC I love-- that part where everyone just seems to hang out-- on a patio or wherever they need to be, as the season changes from one to the next. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo! And don't you always meet the best people and have the most amazing experiences right before starting a new adventure? Seems to always happen that way for me...


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