I'm hanging here in Orange County tonight with the lovely Lauren, along with Charlie and my mini me, Eden. Long live spunky girls with blonde curly hair. I think her sassiness might have even given 4 year old me a run for my money... well...maybe not... I was pretty much a tyrant. I don't have any pics of young Ryann on my computer, but I'll upload some so you can see the complete fake-out I pulled on the world at that age. I looked like a little angel, but the minute you turned your back, I'd run your underwear up a flagpole and scream at a decibel only dogs can hear. Oh, sigh. I miss those days.
Back to NYC tomorrow night. Not looking forward to it. I wish I could just eject myself from that life to a life on the beach (this beach or a Scottish beach, I'm not picky) right now. Maybe I just won't go back....
we miss you already!!