Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Impossible Project

If many more old school/new school combos come out, my head might explode. My latest love is The Impossible Project, which, among other things, takes your instagrams and turns them into instant polaroids. The minds behind The Impossible Project, based in the Netherlands, funded their idea on kickstarter and ended up with over a half a million dollars to support the prototype. 

In the US, you can go to their NYC shop on Broadway and Canal. I wish I'd had a chance to get down there while I was still in the City. Open one in LA, guys! Angelinos love instagram too. At least you can buy their awesomeness online. It's the film that really gets ya.

I love how they put up user photos in their gallery. I've been browsing that for days now. They even do a promotion with SNAP! Magazine each month with a theme and entries can win prizes. This month's theme is near and dear to my heart: road trips. 



Why Stop Now?

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